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Your Board Members

Kim Kieba


Lot # 162

Chris Brandt

Vice President

Lot # 74

Tom Chritz


Lot # 165

Ann McGowan


Lot # 142

Greg Miller

Director at Large

Lot #107

Park Manager Phone


*Phone is not used for rental or purchasing inquires

UPDATED 08/11/2024, updates as of this date are marked in orange.

ALL COMMUNICATION:  The Board has made the decision to go electronic with ALL communications, including billing, newsletters, gatecodes, etc..  The decision was made in order to be able to immediately provide information without the 2 week+ delay or missing lettters via USPS mailing; along with the additional cost saving benefits.  Starting December 1st, all communication will ONLY be sent via email.

If you have not provided your email address to Ann McGowan, Board Secretary, please do so immediately so that you do not incur any delayed receival of any communication. 


ANNUAL CO-OWNERS MEETING:  The annual co-owner meeting was held Saturday, July 13th.  The Board for the assocaition has remained the same.  If you are interested in volunteering to help the Board or learn about being on the Board; please reach out to any Board member.  

SURVEY:  Letters were either given to co-owners at the annual meeting, if you were not present they were emailed or sent by USPS after the annual meeting based on your preference of receiving notifications as of July 14th.

CAMGROUND RULES:  There were numerous complaints over regarding campground rules not being followed such as bikes being riden on the walking paths and boardwalk, fireworks within the park, items and garbage being left on the beach, trash not being broken down, marijuana smoked off co-owners own property, and speeding, etc.  Please review and follow the campground rules (posted under the Forms and Bylaws tab) and Michigan State laws.


GATE CODE:  The gate code will change monthly during the campgrounds open season and will be emailed the day prior to the first of every month.  All old codes are removed.  Remember:  the key cannot gain you entrance into the park.

SPECTRUM:  Free installation for Spectrum Wi-Fi has ended.  You will still call into the bulk number (833) 697-7328 and schedule your installation using the directions originally provided below.  Spectrum will bill you on your individual bill for installation and any other services that you opt into or select.  

GARBAGE:  The dumpsters are opened for the season. As a reminder, all large items and construction debris must be disposed of outside of the campground and is the responsibility of the co-owner.  Do not place ANY items outside of the the dumpsters!  All boxes must be broken down flat!

SEWER:  DO NOT place items down your sink or toilet drains, including flushable wipes, baby wipes, grease, etc., doing so causes clogging and makes it more costly to maintain our sewer system.

HOW TO SCHEDULE SPECTRUM INSTALL:  Keep in mind you have to physically be at your unit for the installation. Please see the information below from Spectrum to begin your ordering process.  When calling Spectrum, you will have to set up an account in your name with your personal informationo and will also have to provide your social security number, which is a requirement by Spectrum.  This information is between you and Spectrum only, and will not be shared with AHCCA.  The agent will also offer products Spectrum has within their portfolio, including phones, upgrades, etc.  Free installation is offered through the end of June 2024, so call to schedule as soon as possible.  Once again, you must be present for the installation.

From Spectrum:

  •  Spectrum will provide you basic Spectrum Stream TV and 500M Internet with one free Modem and one.   Advanced Wi-Fi 6 Router.  To set up your new Spectrum service and request professional installation, at   no charge until 6/31/2024, call Spectrum Bulk Customer Support @ 833-697-7328. 


  • What to say when calling?  

       Once connected, after listening to the prompts, say “I do not have an account”and then again when 

       prompted say “New Service”. 


      When an agent connects, provide your 991 S State St Oscoda 48750 Address and Lot Number and tell

      the agent you live in a bulk property and would like to schedule your free professional installation.

      The charges on your bill for the services/equipment provided by AuSable Huron Condominium 

      Campground Association will be $0 although you will continue to get a Spectrum bill and are required to

      continue paying for any additional service or equipment. (With the new service, each owner has the

      option to pay for other services like HBO, etc.)


PARK BOARDWALK:  The parks boardwalk along the river has been removed and completely rebuilt.  It is now beautiful and safe for all to enjoy.   As a reminder, this is also a walking path and no bikes, scooters, etc. are allowed on this area.


As an additional reminder to river slip owners, docks can no longer remain on the boardwalk or common grounds for storage over the Winter.  They are too heavy and cause too much damage. Docks will need to be stored on personal property, i.e., your lot(s) or elsewhere outside of the campground.  THE DEADLINE TO REMOVE DOCKS OFF THE BOARDWALK OR COMMON AREA IS MAY 23, 2024 (the Thursday before Memorial Day weekend).  A $100.00 FINE WILL BE IMPOSED IF NOT REMOVED BY THE DEADLINE.


AED'S:  The AED's have been moved back to the outside cabinets; one is located outside the clubhouse and the other is outside the main administraion/bathhouse building.


SPEED BUMPS:  The speed bumps have been placed for the summer season, please do not drive around them and follow the campground speed limit of 5mph. 

NEWSLETTERS/BILLING:  If you don't receive your billing statements and newsletter via email, please reach out to Ann McGowan, Board Secretary ( or place a request here on the website to sign up.  Electronic communication ensures that you receive pertinent information quickly such as gate codes, park information, etc..  It will also save you the $5 quarterly mailing fee.  All newsletters are an attachment to your quarterly invoice.

ACCESS TO CAMPGROUND ENTRANCE:  Our community is gated for Co-Owner safety and security. Due to the increasing volume of people within the campground (known and unknown), theft, property destruction, illegal waste dumping, etc., the Board has implemented a change in the entrance into the park.  New gate codes will be put in every April, July and October and all old codes will be removed.  The same code will be in effect from October to April the following year until the water is turned on in the park, usually around April 15th.  THE GATE (PARK) KEY IS DISABLED FOR ENTRANCE INTO THE PARK,  YOUR KEY WILL STILL ALLOW YOU ACCESS TO COMMON AREAS SUCH AS: RESTROOMS, CLUBHOUSE, EXIT GATE ETC. SO MAKE SURE TO HAVE IT WITH YOU.  The gate code that is currently in effect through April's water turn on date is located in the newsletter that was sent previously.  The new code once water is turned on will be in your March newsletter.

WEBCAM:  The beach webcam is now back up and running.  The link can be found on our homepage or directly at:

ANNUAL INSPECTION 2023:  Every fall EGLE visits the park as part of the process to receive a yearly license. Compliance is essential with maintaining 4 ft. halo's around all structures, appropriate water / electrical line hook-ups, safety chains around propane tanks, and anti-siphon water devices on ALL water spigots. We have passed this years inspection. If your anti-siphon valve is missing at any time, you will be charged $10.00 for each device when the park manager replaces it.

MARINA FIREPIT:  The Marina Board has reversed their decision on the Marina Firepit and is allowing all owners of both the marina and campground to use the firepit.  The campground rules and regulations have been updated to reflect this.  Thank you to the Marina Board!


SPEED LIMIT:  The Board continues to receive complaints regarding speeding.  The campground speed limit is 5mph, please abide by this for the safety of all.  


LEASEE/RENTER FORMS:  This form has been updated and can be located under the Forms and Bylaws tab, please use this new form going forward.  All old forms should be discarded as they will no longer be accepted.  All Leasee/Renter forms must be turned in at least 10 days prior to the arrival of the leasee. 


COMPLAINTS/PARK ISSUES:  All complaints or park issues must be documented in writing and given/sent to a Board Member or you can use the owners form on this webpage under the Forms & Bylaws tab (on the bottom of the page) and it will be electronically sent to the Board.  All complaints are kept in strongest confidentiality amongst the board only, will be looked into by the Board and a response given back to the co-owner.  We continue to "hear" complaints through out the park, but they must be documented in order to get to a resolution, this would include issues with pets off leashes, co-owners not cleaning up after themselves, blight issues, maintenance that may be needed within the park, etc.


SECURITY:  If you see something unusual, out of place or broken, please let the Park Manager know, or dial 911 if perceived urgent.


WALKING PATHS:  Please use caution when using the walking paths, as many tree roots have upheaved the blacktop.  These areas have been marked with paint to provide a visual caution until a contractor can be acquired to make the repairs.  Remember these paths are for walking only; no bikes, skateboards, rollerblades, etc.


PET REMINDERS:  This past season there were several complaints concerning pets i.e., lunging, unleashed, unmonitored, pet waste in and about the campground including pet waste in front of the park by the basketball net, etc. Please keep your pets on leashes at all times and clean up after them in EVERY area of the campground. The State of Michigan requires that all animals must be leashed at all times and under the owner's control.  No pets are allowed other than those that are owned by co-owners.


Reminders for the Safety and Consideration of All:

  • You must be parked within your unit lot lines, please use the new pins/posts that have been placed at your unit.  This is for the passthrough of boats, trailers, etc and most importantly - so emergency vehicles can pass through if there is a car coming the opposite way, as a few seconds can save a life. 

  • Please respect other co-owners and follow the quiet time rule which is between 8am-11pm.

  • Please be cautious when swimming as boats may not be able to see swimmers. It is suggested to have a float or other item for visibility if you are a ways away from shore. It is also asked that all boaters stay clear of swimmers and approach the beach/seawall area slowly and with extreme caution.

  • Please clean up after yourself, a lot of garbage has been left along our beach and the beach to the north. Please be considerate and pick up all items when leaving, such as bottles/cans, wrappers, burnt wood, etc.

  • NO fireworks or sparklers of any type are allowed anywhere within the park including the beach area above the seawall.

  • NO fires are allowed, except below the metal seawall or at the marina firepit.

  • All dogs must be on leashes within the park, including the beach. Also, be sure to immediately clean up after your dog including feces and any holes that may be dug.

  • Use walkways (no bikes allowed); cutting through lots or between units is not allowed.

Grass Cutting: It is the responsibility of the unit owners to ensure that the areas of grass needing to be cut remain clear of any items which includes, boats trailers, hoses, yarn ornaments, goose/animal deterrents, vehicles, etc. It is not the responsibility of the lawn service to move these items or attempt to weed whip around/beneath them. Also, if you are using another owners unit to park your vehicle, they should be aware and provided approval prior to parking on them and it is your responsibility to ensure your vehicle is moved so that the lawn cutting service can trim their grass.


Parking: Numerous parking complaints have been brought to the attention of the board and all co-owners need to ensure that they comply with the following parking rules:

  • Each unit must have at least one parking spot that is a minimum of 9' x 18'

  • All vehicles must be at least 2' off the road and 2' from their property lines

  • No vehicles can be parked in the road at any time

  • You can only park in the marina if you own a marina slip (river slips are not part of the marina).  You are also allowed only one car (parking spot) per marina slip that is owned.

These regulations are for the safety of all and those owners who do not comply will receive letters from the board.  Please be courteous of other owners and the cost that occurs in sending these letters; along with the time associated with the board who can use the time to focus on more important issues within the park.

Marina: The marina now has a website and is managed by the Marina Board and this post to our site is to help get the information out as quickly as possible. Please share their website with any marina owners you may know -


Mailing Address: AHCCA, P.O. Box 318, Au Gres, MI 48703

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